Maquila service


Proquimcol maquila service

Fabrication, packaging, and handling services for third-party chemical products. We have the facilities, equipment, staff, and experience to bring your industrial projects to life.

Versatile industrial facilities for handling liquid and solid products, serving the construction, agriculture, pharmaceutical, and other industries.

We are the ideal industrial partner for your production needs. Our manufacturing and/or packaging outsourcing service for chemical products is ideal for cases such as:

  • Demand exceeding production capacity.
  • Launching products for which the necessary manufacturing/packaging machinery is not initially available.
  • Manufacturing/packaging products for which suitable facilities are not available.
  • Manufacturing/packaging products incompatible with other productions carried out by the client in their facilities.
  • Manufacturing/packaging products for which the corresponding authorizations are not available.

Outsourcing converts fixed costs into variable costs and frees up production units for higher value-added products.